קול קורא למשרה

30 יוני, 2022

Call for Applications for Tenure-Track Position

in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


The Department of Sociology and Anthropology seeks to fill

    A Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position in either Sociology or Anthropology (Open Specialization), beginning October 2023:

  • The position is open to highly-qualified sociologists and anthropologists with a Ph.D. or who will have completed their doctoral degree by the summer of 2023.
  • Candidates will be considered regardless of field of specialization.
  • The position’s duties include: academic research and publishing, undergraduate and graduate teaching, and administrative service.
  • The ideal candidate will have a clear and compelling scholarly agenda and demonstrate an ability to publish innovative and high-quality research in top-tier journals, or in books with notable publishing houses. (Strong applicants with insufficient publications may be encouraged to defer their candidacy and apply for a post-doctoral fellowship with the department (http://ldft.huji.ac.il/; http://buberfellows.huji.ac.il/)).
  • The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is committed to academic and research excellence. We strive to foster a community that expresses a wide range of attitudes, worldviews, and cultures. To this end, our department seeks to increase the share of faculty from underrepresented groups in its ranks.
  • We, like other social science departments at our university, are eager to invite international scholars to join our faculty, and we seek to offer more classes that are taught in English. Still, the principal, even if not mandatory, language of instruction remains Hebrew.
  • Applicants should submit a cover letter, research statement, CV, three published or ready-for-publication items as writing samples, and at least three letters of recommendation. Application materials should be submitted online directly to the search committee, using the following web address:  ‪Http://ttp.ekmd.huji.ac.il  
  • Interested applications should submit their materials as soon as possible and no later than October 15th, 2022. We expect to notify candidates if they have the endorsement of the department by late January 2023. Final university approval of appointments is expected by Spring 2023.
  • If you need additional information about our department, the university, or the application procedure, please contact the department chair, Prof. Nurit Stadler, at  Nurit.stadler@mail.huji.ac.il and visit our webpage: http://sociology.huji.ac.il.